Sunday, March 1, 2009

Princess Party!

My two "Little Princesses"!  These are my two little nieces, LOVE them both!!!  They are Annie and Victoria.  Annie's Princess Birthday Party with her favorite cousin Victoria!

This is Annie's Princess Cake!!!  Annie wanted cupcakes for all her girlfriends which were adorned with a small tiara!

This 3 tier Strawberry Shortcake Cake serves up to 70 pcs.

This castle cake includes all 4 Disney Princesses!  This cake serves up to 65 pcs

Here is Victoria's cake!  Her theme was Snow White.


  1. Very nice cakes! I will be in touch.. might need a cake in July. I'm Myra, Jessica Rodriguez's sister-in-law.

  2. Thank you!!! I have lots more to post...but I'm barely learning how to use a "blog". Jessica is helping me out with it...I also have an ad on the Rio Grande Kids Directory! You can go to their web page to see it! Thank you again!!!!

